Flexible, full-stack monorepo setup that integrates Express, Next.js, and TRPC for building modern web applications.
How To Use
Follow the links below to get started with the ENT Stack:
What’s Inside
The core of the stack consists of an Express backend, Next.js frontend, TRPC for type-safe API communication and a MySQL database managed by Drizzle ORM.
The stack also contains MySQL Docker image for running the database locally.
Tool/Tech | Role |
Express 5 | Backend Framework |
Next.js 15 | Frontend Framework |
TRPC 11 | Typesafe APIs |
PNPM Workspace | Monorepo & Package Manager |
TypeScript | Language |
Tailwind | Styles |
Drizzle | Database ORM |
MySQL 8 | Database |
T3 Env | Environment Variables |
Pino | Logging |
Tanstack Query | Async State Management |
Zod | Validation |
Zustand | State Management |
Resend | Email Sending |
Mailslurp | Email Testing |
Playwright | Testing Framework |
Custom i18n solution | Route & Message Translations |